Convinced that no one should live and die without hearing God's good news, we believe that He has called us to make disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ in communities where he is least known.
Therefore, compelled by God’s great love and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
We cross barriers to proclaim the crucified and risen Christ, expressing His love and compassion among those who live and die without Him.
We make disciples who will trust and obey Jesus and become part of Christ-centered churches
We work together with churches to fulfill God’s mission across cultures locally and globally
We facilitate the participation in the cross-cultural ministry of those whom God calls to partner with us.
3 Ds
Dependent on God - We are people of prayer. We trust in our faithful God and affirm the truth of the Bible.
Diverse - We are one in Christ. We embrace, and are strengthened by, the international, interdenominational and multi-ethnic diversity of His church.
Disciples who makes disciples - We cross barriers to fulfill God's global, urgent, and unfinished mission.
3 Cs
Church-centered - We are part of Christ's church and together we plant, nurture, and equip churches.
Compassionate - We are people of love. We humbly offer compassionate, holistic service and eternal hope, through the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Community - We live a life of integrity in obedience to God and in relationship with each other as we listen, learn, grow, and innovate together under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.