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Partner with SIM Malaysia and expand your church's involvement in cross-cultural missions.

SIM is passionate about engaging local churches to support and equip them in ministering across cultures. With over 130 years of experience in cross-cultural missions, and involvement in community and development and humanitarian efforts, SIM Malaysia is well-equipped to work alongside local churches to help broaden their influence and vision for global mission.

Mission Consultancy

Need insights in planning a mission conference, mission month, developing a mission policy, setting up a member care team for workers? SIM Malaysia can come alongside with your church. We are just a call away.


An interactive experience for those considering long-term cross-cultural ministry. You can serve in a role that utilises your skills and interests or journey alongside experienced field workers. You will get to explore ministry in a learning growing environment with a mentor/mobilizer dedicated to helping you find the opportunity that best suits you.

Short Term/

A short placement of cultural experience may be a way to explore ministry opportunities and test how your skills and experience might be used in the future. 

Looking for an experienced speaker to engage your church or small group about mission?

We invite you to enlist a SIM Malaysia worker.

SIM Representatives as guest speakers for mission month, equipping, youth/young adult groups, mission-sharing in prayer groups and other ministry events.

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